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Mayıs, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


CAN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BE A CONSCIOUS ENTITY IN THE CONTEXT OF FREE WILL? Abstract The aim of this study is to examine and evaluate whether artificial intelligence can have a consciousness like a human in the context of free will. It is observed that the concept of free will is related to consciousness. When the influence of determinism is considered, it is seen and observed intensely in the universe. Therefore, explaining the existence of free will without any metaphysical element is quite difficult. Thus, if humans are merely composed of data and their difference from artificial intelligence is their more complex data, artificial intelligence seems possible. If a metaphysical explanation is considered, what can be valid for humans can also be valid for artificial intelligence, so it seems possible for artificial intelligence to be conscious. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Free Will, Consciousness, Determinism Introduction Artificial intelligence has become a highly discussed

Horizon Zero Dawn Review

After delaying my thesis for a year, I decided to play a game as a final escape. I was originally planning to play The Last of Us, but it turned out to be disappointing. Then I thought about playing the Star Wars game, and that also didn't work out. So, I decided to start playing this game until those others get fixed, and I have just finished it as of now. My feelings are a bit mixed, and since I messed up my sleep schedule, I also need to stay awake. So, let me pour out my thoughts about the game. 1. Story (Spoilers ahead) Horizon Zero Dawn presents an apocalyptic scenario. As soon as you enter the game, everyone is stuck with bows and spears, while giant machines roam around. Something has happened, but you wonder what it is. However, the main story of the game is very predictable. If you have seen any other production with an apocalyptic scenario, this game's story won't surprise you. But strangely enough, the main story flows well. Even if you know what will happen, it


You are about to change. You are about to change the destiny of this whole world. When the angels sing you have a body created and a face washed by the water of heaven. For centuries mankind writhing in the clutches of the demon. As if the devil saw all its splendor and beauty. Seeing you, the devil kneels before your god and wishes for mercy. How can anyone deny the power of God who has already seen you? If combined, how could all the ink and all the paper describe those eyes? You changed it. You changed everything. And Dark. I am in a great darkness. The sound of silence echoes in my ears. Hopelessness and loneliness. But at such moments comes the most beautiful light. A spark may come. Can defeat all darkness Your spark turns into the sun, your hair turns into a beauty that will make the sun jealous While all nature was jealous of you, you became a light for me with your beauty. Stay with me darling. I don't want to be in the dark again. I want to stay in your light forever


OBJECTIVITY AND SCIENCE Abstract The aim of this study is to evaluate whether objectivity is possible within the realm of science. In addition, the thoughts of certain philosophers on this matter have been examined. Some philosophers have developed certain methodologies to argue that objectivity can be achieved in science. Logical positivists and Popper are among them. However, thinkers like Feyerabend and Kuhn have opposed these ideas, claiming that complete objectivity cannot be attained in science, and they have put forth their own perspectives. Keywords: Science, Objectivity, Subjectivity, Objectivity in Science Introduction The concept of objectivity in science has been a controversial topic in the philosophy of science for many years. Thoughts on objectivity in science have also made it possible to contemplate the fundamental criteria that make science what it is. The first section of the article discusses what objectivity means in science and why objectivity poses a problem. Fur


Philosophical Reflections on Animal Rights For a long time, ethical understanding has been based on a human-centered approach. This approach assumes that humans have intrinsic value, while other living beings exist solely as tools for humans. Throughout the history of philosophy, ancient Greek philosophers and enlightenment thinkers built their ethical frameworks on this foundation. For example, when we look at Descartes, we see the assumption that animals are merely machines. This claim suggests that animals do not experience pain like we do and, similar to other machines we possess, can be used as tools. However, over the past century, animal rights movements have grown and, in the last 30 years, have gained significant momentum. Additionally, various legal proposals have been made regarding animal rights. At this point, the question arises as to whether it is possible to find a philosophical basis for animals in ethical terms. Several thinkers have attempted to establish such a foun